Sqribble: Your Ultimate Ebook Solution

Sqribble: Your Ultimate Ebook Solution

Throwaway Complicated, Expensive Publishing Tools, in short, Sqribble Does It All…

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Sqribble: Your Ultimate Ebook Solution: No need to spend weeks mastering all the different designs and publishing tools, like Adobe Photoshop to create an eBook, tools which can cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars!

So, With Sqribble, everything you need is under one roof, and it’s so simple, even a 6-year-old can use it to create lead magnets and best-selling ebooks in seconds from now.

Automatic Content

Hate writing?

Can’t afford to spend $250 – $650 a time on a freelancer writer? No problem! Sqribble automatically fills your ebook with professionally written content from several sources!

Forget spending hours hammering the keyboard, or staring at a blank screen.

Pull content into your ebook from any URL(like your blog), or from our in-built content database or Word the document, at the push of a button!

Automatic Table Of Contents

Sqribble automatically creates a fully themed, and editable table of contents page, giving your readers an incredible user experience.

Reword, reformat, and reshuffle it, however, you want.

Automatic Headers & Footers

Sqribble automatically inserts smart headers and footers into your ebook, adding a professional look and feel, and perfect for adding your contact details, logos, branding, or an awesome call to action on every page…

Automatic Page Numbering

Each page is automatically numbered for you! Saving you time and effort.

Perfect for professional publishing online, and helping readers find the page they’re looking for…

Drag & Drop Technology

Simply click to drag and drop content on any page! Completely customize a page layout, without any coding or design skills.

Fully Customizable

Change fonts, styles, colors, layouts, and entire color themes with the push of a button!

Make your ebook truly unique, and perfectly matched to your website or brand.

Add Unlimited Pages

Tap the little “plus” button to insert a new page wherever you like.

Choose from a blank page, thank you page, table of contents page, or a content page for endless possibilities.

Add Design Elements

Tap a button to add new article pages, cover pages, headlines, images, icons, backgrounds, new paragraphs and text blocks, dividers, buttons and links, features, bullet lists, and call-to-action areas.

Just select, click and that’s it!


sqribble dows it all